


1. Interviewing the patient:

  • The doctor will ask the patient about their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
  • They will also ask about their relationships, work, and hobbies.

2. Physical examination:

  • The doctor will examine the patient's body for signs of physical distress or mental illness.
  • They may also ask the patient to perform simple cognitive tests, such as the Mini-Mental Status Test (MMT).

3. Psychological tests:

  • The doctor may use psychological tests to assess the patient's mental abilities, such as intelligence, memory, attention, and executive function.
  • These tests can help the doctor to identify specific mental health conditions.

4. Observation:

  • The doctor may observe the patient's behavior and interactions with others.
  • This can help the doctor to identify signs of mental illness, such as withdrawal, agitation, or difficulty interacting with others.

5. Assessment of the patient's social support network:

  • The doctor may ask the patient about their support system and how they are coping with their mental health condition.
  • This information can help the doctor to assess the patient's overall well-being and prognosis.

6. Reviewing medical history:

  • The doctor may review the patient's medical history to identify any underlying conditions that may be contributing to their mental health problems.

7. Considering the patient's cultural and social factors:

  • The doctor will consider the patient's cultural and social factors, such as their upbringing, community, and social support, when assessing their mental health.