


  1. Be direct and clear. Clearly state your expectations, goals, and priorities. Use simple and straightforward language, avoiding jargon or ambiguity.

  2. Be respectful and courteous. Address your colleagues with their proper titles and use a formal tone of voice. Be mindful of their time and avoid interrupting them.

  3. Be open to feedback. Encourage your colleagues to share their thoughts and ideas. Listen actively and be willing to consider different perspectives.

  4. Be supportive and encouraging. Offer your support and encouragement to your colleagues. Celebrate their successes and offer help during times of difficulty.

  5. Be approachable and available. Make yourself available to your colleagues outside of work hours. Be approachable for questions, feedback, or simply to chat.

  6. Use active listening skills. Pay attention to what your colleagues are saying and ask clarifying questions to ensure you understand their perspective.

  7. Be transparent and honest. Be open and honest about your intentions, goals, and expectations. This builds trust and credibility.

  8. Be patient and understanding. Building strong relationships takes time and effort. Be patient with your colleagues and understand that it may take some time to develop rapport.
